Employment Opportunities

We accept resumes by email only, and will reply to all requests for employment if personally addressed to Tony Robins with some acknowledgement of an interest in the firm. We seek only university students/ graduates/interns of architecture, or registered architects. We do not reply to mass emails or from those educated solely in drafting or interior design.

We seek architectural interns, intermediate, and senior architects, at various times, for potential employment in various capacities on large private homes. Please submit a design portfolio and resume to: tony@aarobins.ca with APPLICANT in the title, and addressed to Tony Robins.

We are looking for strong design skills, and ideally experience with projects in Vancouver, and associated knowledge of local codes and Bylaws. Applicants without an architecture degree will not be considered at this time.

We are a small team, and the applicant must be interested in this kind of experience, becoming familiar with several projects and their status within the office and flipping between projects when time requires. 

We will reply with an invitation for an interview if shortlisted.